Telecoop 7:Other Strategies Presented During the Telecoop Session
Here are the other strategies presented during our session, "Uncovering Content":
Goal Discussion:
During the first week, have readers read the outcomes for the course and create a post that compares the course goals to their own goals. Faculty can also share their own goals at this time.
Reading and Reflection Journal
Reflections about readings in a non-judgemental space allow the learner to raise questions and explore how the reading informs personal meaning or shapes practice.
Annotated Bibliography (The Never-Ending Textbook)/ Annotated Webliography
Readers sometimes pose a question that is a perfect research and reading opportunity.
Allow or assign learners the research task of finding an article or professional website that answers the question and annotate it with a summary and the value to the learners in the given class.
Having learners annotate sources for research asks learners to internalize and paraphrase the content. Assigning an annotated bibliography is a particularly good assignment to include as part of a larger research assignment.
Source: Bedard-Voorhees, A. Increasing Engagement for Online and Face-to-Face Learners Through Online Discussion Practices. The Cross Papers #8. Phoenix: League for Innovation in the Community College.