Friday, March 10, 2006

TELECOOP 2006: Flexercise

Answering these questions might help you decide where you'll structure your course for more flexibility(and learner control in a number of cases).


What course considerations seem to result in the most negotiations and approvals and (even) complaints?

Due Dates (Which/ specific types of assignments (Time of Term or Dropbox settings?)

Exam Dates/Days/ Closure Times

Cyber abscences (Discussions, Locked Exams)

Allowing Extra Credit

Grading (Points or arguments over how points are awarded. Do you need to review the percentages and weights? Do you need to refigure points for assignments in a given category?)

Timeliness (Yours and Theirs)

TELECOOP 2006: Faculty Travelers

Take a look at this handout providing strategies and resources for Faculty Travelers:

The Traveling Prof

TELECOOP 2006: Learners Have to Travel?

Yes, they sometimes have to travel for work or even (grrrrr) for fun.
This handout provides strategies and resources for learners in online courses:

The Traveling Learner

This handout and the one for The Traveling Prof also appear in another travel blog
called Globe-TrotterU

TELE 2006: Giving Learners Some Choices About Due Dates and Assignments

But what will happen to the course?

TELECOOP 2006: Course Flexibility as Learner-Centered Strategy

TELECOOP 2006: Issues Related to Course Scheduling and Policies

TELECOOP 2006: The Faces of E-Learning Online and Beyond

Telecoop accepted Phyllis and Alice's Presentation for the 17th Annual TELECOOP Technology Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado. We're scheduled for April 19th.

Following are the Title, Abstract, Topics, and Outcomes. Stay Tuned. We'll create related posts for the presentation topics. We invite you all to post your responses too.

Title: And Stretch and Breathe: Strategies for Building Learner-Centered Flexibility into Online Learning

Abstract of presentation: While course policy is meant to keep the term from erupting into chaos, it sometimes butts heads with competing demands that conscientous learners face. Providing pedagogical and scheduling choices can do away with some of the headaches. Tech strategies can support flexibility with deadlines and trips out of town, state, country, for both learners as well as faculty. This sessions provides pedagogical and technological strategies for increased, learner-centered flexibility. Resources include technological strategies for both learners and instructors who are traveling.

Outline of Presentation:
I have a colleague who: Issues related to course scheduling and policies
Course Flexibility as a Learner-Centered Strategy
Giving the Learner Some Choices about Due Dates and Assignments: But what will happen to the course?
Learners Have to Travel?
The Faculty Benefit
Faculty Travelers

Participants will identify flexibility issues with courses
Participants will examine potential points of flex within course structures
Participants will suggest strategies that would be a good match for their own courses